No, Friday was spent snuggling on the bed all day watching Sponge Bob with my little guy. Nicholas apparently caught a cold from his older brother Andrew. Andrew has been fighting a cold too, and his friends he has hanging out with all summer (whom I refer to as The Lost Boys) are all coming down with the same symptoms. They had a small fever, but now that it gone. They still have that cough and stuffiness however. They are getting better…just not 100% yet.
Andrew has been spending most of his summer at his grandma’s house. Well, may be I should refer to my mom’s house as, “Anna’s Hotel”. You see, Andrew doesn’t really spend all of his summer at his grandmother’s house—but rather with his friends from his old school. They like to hang out downtown, and go to the beach, and work on their music. That is totally fine with me, I mean he should enjoy his summer, but he just gets home to my mom’s house a little too late for my liking, with a friend or two in tow with him. My mom enjoys her grandson’s company, but lately, I think she if feeling more like an owner of a bed and breakfast. Andrew’s friends just adore my mom. For some of them, I think it’s the only time they actually get a hot breakfast in the morning. I’m sorry, but some of my son’s friends come across as orphans to me-they are all pretty much good kids, but “lost”. Call me over-bearing, but some of the parents of these kids come across really flakey to me. I have met a few of them, and they just seem to laugh off my concerns, with “typical teenager” comments. Perhaps I’m over-reacting, or may be its because I work where I do and know of things that go on, or may be I was raised in a very protective environment (my parents never let us out at night—nights were spent watching The Love Boat and Fantasy Island with cookies and milk-unless we were in the Azores when we could stay up till 2 a.m. because it was “safe” there.) but I don’t like my son walking downtown after dark, and I insist on him being at home by a certain hour. I’ve been voicing my concerns to Andrew, and I have told him that his friends remind me of the Lost Boys from Peter Pan. Of course Andrew thinks it’s hilarious.

Andrew has been home for the last two days, and it has been so nice to have my “Lost Boy” at home, having him sit next to me on the couch, without me worrying where he is with the rest of his crew. No calls from my mom asking where he is because it’s almost 9 pm, and not getting calls from lost boy explaining:
“But mom, it’s not really dark yet outside!”

True, you got to love these summer evenings when it’s not really dark until 9:30, but still. School starts on August 17th for him. I would be lying if I told you that I wasn’t looking forward to it.
Lots of things to look forward to this summer however! In a few weeks we’ll be going to pay a visit to my husband’s cool step-sister, Janet-aka: Aunt Janet in Venice, California, and they off to Disneyland for a few days. Then, school starts, and Matt starts college. It will be strange not having a 6’3 “man boy” around the house. I wonder how long it will take for him to miss us. (He doesn’t think he will, but I beg to differ).
Looking further ahead, Lizzy is going to be turning 21 the first week of September. Instead of going to bars, she wants to stay home and have a barbecue and watch movies in the backyard. Sounds good to me! I wouldn’t be surprised if she asked for a jump house again to tell you the truth.