Nicholas wearing the famous shorts..
Playing catch up with November…and I'm going a little backwards--still bear with me..
Okay November is more than half way over, and I haven’t really even been making any entries this month.. When this happens, please know that it’s not because I’ve given up, but it’s due to the fact that I've been overwhelmed with routine daily life! Sad that I don’t have the time to sit and write something-because, a lot of stuff has been going on!

My niece Tara, Lizzy & Mom
I have two Christmas boutiques scheduled for my Avon booth. I had one last Saturday, and it was NOT what I expected it to be. I was told that the event was going to be "widely advertised". I really beg to differ--I think I counted about 10 or 15 people who actually came to the event. I'm not kidding. It was in a small, dark, church hall, and it was freezing. It was colder inside than outside. The only enduring thing was a picture hanging in the kitchen area. It was the same painting that used to hang in my mom's kitchen when I was growing up. A picture of a bowl of fruit, and a bouquet of flowers. It was surreal---I forgot about that painting, and to see it again brought back a lot of memories. Other than that, it was a VERY LONG day. Considering the lack of flow of potential customers, I did break even and did sell--not half as much as I wanted to of course. I honestly made more money from the other vendors who were selling, who came to my booth. It was so boring, we were visiting eachother to pass the time. I did meet some really nice ladies though. It was exhausting nevertheless, and I didn't get home until after 4 pm. Now I still have over 50 gift bags to sell.. I need another boutique to sell! Hopefully the next one will be more fruitful..

Andrew, Nicholas, Mom, my nephew, Michael
We had a birthday for my youngest on the 5th which involved movies and a trip to Chuck E. Cheese. (That was fun—I had no idea however how BUSY that place can be on a week day evening---I would be scared to go anywhere near that place on a weekend!)

Birthday Boy Nicholas

I have yet another goal for this month—I want to finish the throw blanket I’ve been meaning to complete for the last I don’t know how many years. No, I’m not kidding. I’ve promised my daughter to crochet her a blanket since she was 11 years old. (She may have been younger—I’ve lost count of the years.) She brings it up now and then, and teases me about it, so I am really going to try and finish it THIS YEAR. I’ve started various times, throughout the years to make good on this promise to her, only to put it aside for one reason or another. I’ve had various good intentions of start of blankets that are “somewhere” in a bag in the attic. Sad, huh? I vow that I WILL MAKE GOOD and finish this blanket---hopefully before the start of the new year! You read it here folks! THEN, I will finish that green and blue blanket I started for Andrew (that started over 8 years ago-gee I hope I can still find the same color yarn.)
We are on the heels of Thanksgiving... So, here is a list of my thankfuls:
1. I'm thankful that my kids are healthy.
2. I'm thankful that I and my husband have a job.
3. I'm thankful for the bills we can pay.
4. I'm thankful that I live in a safe, loving, stable home.
5. I'm thankful that I have a good man for a husband.
6. I'm thankful for the children we share our lives with. They aren't always easy to live with, but they are ours.
7. I'm thankful for my friends.
8. I'm thankful for the simple things, smiles, giggles, hugs and "I love yous"
9. I'm thankful to be alive.
10. I'm thankful to realize that I have a lot to be thankful for...